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Ulasan “Aleph” Karya Paulo Coelho

  Identitas Buku  Judul: Aleph Penulis: Paulo Coelho Penerbit: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Tahun Terbit: 2013 Jumlah halaman: 302 halaman. Cerita Singkat Sudut pandang tokoh utama ada penulis sendiri. Di sini penulis menceritakan pengelamannya melakukan perjalanan sejauh 9.288 km, yakni perjalanan melaui jalur kereta api Trans-Siberia, dari Moscow menuju Vladivostok. Penulis melakukan perjalanan bersama orang-orang yang bekerja dengan dirinya penerbit dan editor. Selain itu, ia juga mengajak orang lain yang ia kenal baru saja saat memulia perjalanan tersebut. Sebetulnya perjalanan ini telah dilakukan penulis sebelumnya. Namun, ia melakukan lagi dengan misi untuk menemukan aleph, energi dari kerajaannya sendiri. Di sini penulis menceritakan tempat-tempat yang pernah ia kunjungi, orang-orang yang pernah ia temui dan kenali, hingga pengalaman-pengalaman baik pahit maupun menyenangkan yang ia alami. Hal ini semua ia lakukan untuk menemukan aleph. Keunggulan Novel Penulis benar-benar seorang

Just a Short Story

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Once upon a time, there were two birds living on the tree. It was Mr. and Mrs. Birdo.
One day Mrs. Birdo asked Mr. Birdo to find more food for rainy day. Hearing this, Mr. Birdo needed some time to think about. He seemed so confused.
            “How and where I would find more food for rainy day?” thought Mr. Birdo.  He knew it’s very difficult to find more seeds in these days. But Mr. Birdo pulled himself together. He felt very optimist that somehow and someway he would find more seeds as his wife told. So, he flew, flew, and flew and just kept flying.
After a long flying, Mr. Birdo take a moment rest. He just stood on a branch of pinus tree.
Suddenly Mr. Birdo saw a person, a woman, spread something, throw something to the air, just from outside her balcony. Mr. Birdo just watched her from the tree. He also felt curious what she had thrown away. He kept watching her from a distance, and wondered.
            “Well, it looks like seeds,” Mr. Birdo thought, until that woman finished throwing and went inside her house.
            “Well, I think it’s about the time.”
            “I must see this,” thought Mr. Birdo as he flew away come closer to the house he observed.
He flew, come nearer, and stop stayed on the part of the roof of that woman’s house. He observed again, searched things that the woman just thrown away. He looked at the surroundings, and he decided he needed closer looked. So, Mr. Birdo flew again, getting closer, and now he stood on the woman’s balcony.
Mr. Birdo saw things that scattered near him, all over the place. He obviously looked very clear, until he could surely decide….. It was seeds!
            “It is obviously seed!”
            “Definitely real food seed!” Mr. Birdo exclaimed, very excited. He ate it, and ate it, and ate it until unrealized he had been getting closer to the bird-feed and he saw it full with seeds!
            “How wonderful the life can be!” Mr. Birdo felt with full of enjoyment. He could never imagine how life could be so easily surprising in the middle of desperation.
But suddenly he felt unsecure. O..o…something watched him. Mr. Birdo turned his body, faced to the window behind him. Mr. Birdo watched the window for a moment. After positively sure there was no movement in the window, he continued eating the seeds. But now, to keep alert, he took several seeds in his mouth from the bird-feed and brought it outside the bird-feed, and continued ate it. Just in case there was something dangerous, he could fly away easily.
After his stomach full, Mr. Birdo decided to go home. He wanted to give Mrs. Birdo this good news and brought some of the seeds to home as a solid evidence. Now Mr. Birdo went home with heart full of joy.

* * *

At home, after gave her husband blessed to go outside the house to find seeds for them, Mrs. Birdo started her daily activities. She cleaned the house, washed the dishes, and made her home as cozy as possible, so she and her husband would feel glad had and lived in their house.
While she just done her duties, she wondered whether she ever made her husband felt bad about the burdened she had told to him. But, suddenly a truthful faith came inside Mrs. Birdo’s heart. She was very optimist that Mr. Birdo would find something good for both of them.
Time just flew by. While Mrs. Birdo wanted to take a rest after done several of her duties, she heard knocked on her door. Mrs. Birdo came to the door and opened it. There is Mrs Birdbow outside the door.
            “Hi, Mrs. Birdo. May I come in?” said Mrs Birdbow with a smile on her face.
            “Oh sure, Mrs. Birdbow. Let’s just have a cup of tea then”, said Mrs. Birdo.
Mrs. Birdbow was Mrs. and Mr. Birdo’s neighbor. Mr. Birdbow also friend with Mr. Birdo. Sometimes they went looked seeds together.
            “Wow! It’s been a cold day”, Mrs. Birdbow started the conversation while Mrs. Birdo poured the tea into their cups.
            “It seems that rain won’t stop in short time.”
            “Yeah, I see that too. The tree is too wet, and it’s very hard to fly when raining.”
            “Our seeds saving become few. Mr. Birdbow cannot find a lot of seeds as usual when raining comes heavily like yesterday.”
            “So does my husband. But like it or not raining is needed for tree. I hope this hard season will go away soon.”
            “But, you know what Mrs. Birdo? I love days when raining. I can easily take a bath”. Mrs. Birdbow said with laughter. She was very enjoying life and including raining, no matter how hard it was.
“How is your seeds savings?”asked Mrs. Birdbow seeing her best-neighbor just smiling and silent.
“Actually, Mrs. Birdo only brings seeds just enough for a day at this moment since rainy season. And I asked him this morning…. just this morning to find more seeds so we will have savings for rainy day. And I don’t know… I feel bad about it now”, said Mrs. Birdo as she looked at her cup of tea.
Mrs. Birdbow felt pity hearing this. She just knew she couldn’t let her best-body down. 
 “Well, we are all sparrows and you know sparrows like…. We will keep searching, no matter what happen, just to find what we need for.”
Not long after that, just in time, came by Mr. Birdo. He suddenly opened the door and looked at his wife’s face with full of smile. He come closer to his wife and said with excitingly, “I found it!”
            “I found it! Finally, I found it!” exclaimed Mr. Birdo.
            “Find what, Mr. Birdo?” asked Mrs. Birdbow curious about her bestfriend’s husband.
            “You could come too, Mrs. Birdbow. So does your husband!” Mr. Birdo said it almost screamed.
            “Come to where, ooh…my beloved husband?” asked Mrs. Birdo, now she is impatiently wanted to know.
            “To the bird-feed. Not far from here,” answered Mr. Birdo. “Oh….you will be so happy if you all go there.”
            “There are a lot of seeds in there.”
            “A woman, a human, make a bird-feed outside her window of her house.”
            “And the seeds are free! We can eat as we like,” explained Mr. Birdo.
            “A woman? A human woman? At her house?.... Is that sound very dangerous to you?” asked Mrs. Birdbow doubtful.

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            “No, no, no… I think she just put the bird-feed just for us to eat freely,” explained Mr. Birdo again. “I already try that and it’s okay.” 
Mrs. Birdbow and Mrs. Birdo looked each other and wondering. At this day there is free food? No one gonna believe it. But, Mr. Birdo kept telling the wonderful story about this bird-feed that he just found. Until finally they believed him, because Mr. Birdo brought several seeds from it. They decided to come to that bird-feed this afternoon and not forget to bring along Mr. Birdbow.
In the afternoon, they; Mr. and Mrs. Birdbow and Mr. and Mrs. Birdo, couldn’t believed their own eyes. Yes. There were a lot of seeds in a bird-feed jar, and now many birds came to it.
Without any discussions, they flew to the bird-feed joined their friends to enjoy free seeds. While they ate they also prayed for the human who served the seeds that she will be given many prosperous, wealth, and health, so they can eat seeds without worried again.
written by,
Shinta Dewi Wijiarti
Ciangsana, 22 Juli 2014


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